36. Siddartha's penultimate step toward enlightenment was to stop learning from others. A lesson for teachers.
37. Siddartha's ultimate step toward enlightenment was to learn from himself. A lesson to us all.
38. I too repeat myself a lot, I'm an artist.
39. I repeat other people a lot too.
41. If you are open enough to it, there is poetry everywhere. For instance, '"Zac Effron just got hotter" HEAT magazine'.
42. All poetry is quite useless. However, I have gotten more out of certain Bob Dylan songs than I have out of certain bridges.
43. Only a poet could give a reasonable estimation of how useless poetry is.
44. Underestimation, overestimation, this is the nature of estimation.
45. The three R's are; Repetition, Repetition, Recidivism. I'm never gonna write another one of these again.
46. I've lent out both Gravity's Rainbow and The Crying of Lot 49, and I know I shall never get them back. The person who borrowed them got as much, if not more, from them as me. Always share your literature.
47. There's plenty of people who never lend anything out. I can understand why. None of these rules are absolute.. not really.
48. "Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better". Be humble... Causes>People. Really? REALLY??
49. What's with all these straight queers? Whatever happened to sticking your queer shoulder to the wheel?
50. For lots of groups this may be acceptable, but, as a person I cannot accept it, be wary of false tokenry politically correct acceptance.
51. If you snooze you win. You win a snooze. You may even win a dream or two.
52. Distractions are not distractions, they are ruminations.
53. The wonderful thing about procrastination is that it's so damn dangerous. "Beauty walks on razor's edge".
54. From working with lots of guys fresh off the boat I have learned how much more you can communicate with a gesture than a spoken sentence. From reading Peanuts I have learned how much more you can say with a picture than a sentence. All words are quite useless.Words are all I have to give.
55. The value of the Taj Mahal is not monetary, nor is it, necessarily, aesthetic. Its value is that it has a value beyond monetary value. If only we could realise this about everything.
56. I was on a bus reading possibly the greatest work of the greatest writer when a friend came on and I put the book aside to talk to him. He told me a story that I'm still chuckling over.
57. The price of greatness is idiocy; firstly other people's, secondly your own.
58. Part of Tolstoy's greatness is that he has a very low opinion of people but he doesn't think any less of them for it.
59. Death is one of the biggest five letter words. So is Funny. So is Grace.
60. All you need is love. All you need is a buck. All you need is a fuck. All you need is some time to yourself. All you need is a break. All you need is a gun. All you need is a job. All you need is a holiday. All you need is a drink. All you need is a detox. Need I go on?
61. All you need is whatever. Whatever helps you make it through the night.
62. If the future is infinite then so is the past. All infinities are spurious. There's a syllogism in there if you wish to finish it.
63. Most syllogisms should go unfinished.
65. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I repeat myself a lot.
66. When repeating yourself try not to become repetitive.
67. As Alan Moore did in Superman: Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tommorrow, try to finish with a wink.
68. More to the point, as Alan Moore did in Watchmen, try to finish with a wink.
69. Always cast your pearl amongst swine.
70. ;)

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