Tuesday 20 December 2011

2 0f 7

‎2 of 7:
Remember when you were a child on the beach and you said you were as happy as a sand boy and you probably were? Dylan Thomas talks about that in one of his nostalgic pieces. He looks back on childhood fondly, if not magically. At Christmas there is a lot of missing that goes. You know, people missing people. Though perhaps not necessarily missing other people. Ever thought how you were kinda better as a kid, kinder perhaps. Before they filled you with the problems they had and added some fresh ones just for you. And I miss, and I miss, and I miss your precious heart you might say. Maybe not. Plenty of folks have lousy childhoods. Seems that a worthwhile life would be to make the world a wonderful place for children. It is a wonderful place here and there and now and again. It could be a matter of pointing out things already here, you could show them a blue door knocker a midst a mist of black ones perhaps. It only takes a moment. There was this kid the other day who was ever so slightly excited by a malleable mountain made up by autumn leaves (this other day was in Autumn) equal in proportion to one of the big ones somewhere in this world, his mother was looking at her Blackberry, not a blackberry of course. Wouldn't be bad being worthwhile, to be OK while you're here, I wrote a play about it:

Walden. Wouldn't be bad being worthwhile.
David. Oh yeah, that'd be good. Yeah.
Walden. But just for a while. I can't be bothered building the Taj Mahal.
David. Oh yeah, I know. Yeah.

Just think of that child I was talking of yesterday who was born in a manger, that's a pretty wonderful thing. Look at all those animals etc. And didn't he get the chance to do a pretty good ramble, eh. Poor kid, he was only about 30 when they bumped him off. Just a baby.

A Child's Christmas in Wales

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