Tuesday, 12 December 2017


I like these songs..



I suppose what I like about them is that they kind of leave a legacy. Epistlets from the dead. I like the Arthur Russell one because it has such a depth. At first you think it's just a standard break up song but then you think about it a bit, you remember he recorded it when he was dying of Aids and furthermore it was only to be discovered posthumously and you realise he's not breaking up with you, he's- by the time you hear it- already been taken away in the hands of another lover.. death. Not many songs can devastate you so delicately. It reminds me of a couplet in Jonanna Newsom's You And Me, Bess that goes, By the time you realised I was dying/ Must have been too late, I believe you were not lying. How do you follow such a line? You L' La Lala/ L' La LaLa..

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