Tuesday 18 January 2011

The Origins of Genius

He had dropped out of school by that time, and spent most of his time staying at home. His girlfriend lived in the house, and his grandmother lived in the house, and his aunt and his uncle lived across the street. And his father had had a heart attack; his father drove a Helms bread truck, part of the time Don was helping out by taking over the bread truck route, driving up to Mojave. The rest of the time he would just sit at home and listen to rhythm and blues records, and scream at his mother to get him a Pepsi.

Frank Zappa on Don Vilet- Captain Beefheart.

Monday 17 January 2011

My head is full of bad news and ideas.

She likes that television program Shaun The Sheep. Me too. It's good show.

Helicopters hover in my window outside. This all seems very unnatural. Possibly a waste of money too.

But is there such thing as a waste of money? What is it that we are really wasting when we are supposedly wasting money? I've wasted plenty of things but never money.

Monday 10 January 2011

it's all he keeps saying, when will it end? when will it end? until one day he doesn't.
we're not sure why
but tomorrow's another day.